The Voice for FQHC Look-Alikes

FQHC Look-Alikes were omitted from the first rounds of pandemic-related funding, until they spoke out.


Our mission is gather the support of patients, board members, providers, administrators, and community stakeholders - to demand emergency funding for LALs and equity for LAL patients.

Our Impact

There are just over 100 federally qualified community health center Look-Alikes in the United States, providing care to over 900,000 lives. These clinics staff over 6,700 full-time employees, inclusive of over 2,600 medical, 220 dental, 280 mental health clinicians.

Community health center Look-Alikes do not turn patients away for lack of insurance or inability to pay. They offer discounted services to individuals and families living in poverty, assist the uninsured with insurance enrollment, provide, non-emergent medical transportation to and from appointments, offer translation and interpretation to patients, and so much more. They are a safety net provider - the front lines of screening, testing, and vaccinating our most vulnerable populations.

They are a source of care and compassion, an essential service, a place of employment, and a significant economic driver in many communities - especially rural America. Because they do not receive grant dollars from HRSA, many are in a state of constant financial stress. We cannot afford to exempt them from emergency funding because of an administrative designation when they operate identical to their neighboring FQHCs who are eligible grantees receiving COVID-19 funds.

How Can I Help?

Become an advocate! Share your voice, help us build the case to

provide emergency funding to FQHC Look-Alikes