Weekly Check-In

Use the Information Below to Schedule a Weekly Check-In with Your Representatives

General Tips

  • Set aside a 1-hour block in your weekly schedule, mid-week preferably, to call your representatives and check-in. Be mindful of their office hours.

  • When calling and emailing, make more than one connection in your representative’s offices. Oftentimes, they are out of office. It is not unusual for a representative to appoint one of their staff persons to all-things healthcare.

  • Keep old emails handy to populate with fresh statistics. Use our STIMULUS CALCULATOR and surveys to gather stats that will drive your narrative.

  • If you cannot reach your representative or their staff, leave a detailed call back message.

  • Stress how time-sensitive your issue is. End the call or message stating how many weeks or months your center can maintain operates without federal funding.

  • Stress that your center is an economic driver.

  • Include personal stories of patients, providers, Board members, administrators, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Be persistent. One hour a week is doable.