Build an E-Mail Script

Use the Information Below to Build Your Own Follow-Up E-Mail Script

STEP 1: Conversation Recap

  • Name, Title, and Community Health Center

  • Date, Time & Parties on Your Last Call

  • Recap the Conversation:

    • As a FQHC Look-Alike, we are not eligible to receive the $8.9 billion in stimulus funds set aside for Community Health Centers because our specific type of designation falls under the Social Security Act and not the Public Health Services Act.

    • Without federal stimulus funding, we struggle to [insert issues of access, inequity, sustainability, turnover, etc.].

    • We serve [2020 UDS number] patients and to date have tested [number] patients and vaccinated [number] for COVID-19. We could do far better with greater financial support.

    • Stress that the center is an economic driver and let them know how many staff have been: 1) laid off; 2) furloughed; 3) absent from work due to symptoms.; 4) left for other employment due to burnout and uncertainty.

STEP 2: Ask for Confirmation of Support

  • Attach a copy of the letter published by NACHC, dated April 8th, requesting the PHS Act be amended to allow for Look-Alikes to receive emergency and supplemental funding.

  • Calculate how much you would have received from the federal government, if you were a grantee (click here for calculator), and tell them what good those funds could do for your clinic and patients.

  • Ask they Become a Partner of

  • Request in writing, β€œcan we count on your support?”

STEP 3: Request a Follow-Up Call

  • Request a date and time one week in advance for a follow-up call.

  • If they plan on being absent, establish a second point of contact in their offices and schedule the call with this individual.

  • Be persistent.

Sent Out the Follow-Up Email? Time to Establish a Weekly Check In!