Advocacy Tools - Build Back Better Letter Template for Board Members

Our friends at The Wright Center in Scranton, PA have developed a template letter urging representatives to push for inclusion of Look-Alikes in the Build Back Better infrastructure package. This is an excellent opportunity to introduce Look-Alike (LAL) advocacy to your Board of Directors. Consider using our Petition Page (click to link to the page or find under Take Action at the top of this page) to find contact information for your representatives, build useful scripts, and schedule a LAL advocacy hour in your work week to reach out and educate your elected officials.

[On your Health Center’s letterhead]

Good afternoon, {representative/congressperson name}:

I hope this letter finds you well.

I’m writing on behalf of [your LAL name]. [Fill in some unique/compelling facts here about your health center]

I am reaching out today with a request for your support in the upcoming infrastructure package. [your LAL name]__ is a community health center, but more specifically, we are in a group of over 100 community health centers that are “Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alikes” – a slightly different distinction than “Federally Qualified Health Centers”, with very different funding implications. As the Building Back Better Act makes its way to the Senate, I hope that you will help keep the provisions that authorize a 10 billion dollars investment for community health center infrastructure, including federally qualified health center (FQHC) look-alikes (LALs). I write to request that the language that includes FQHC Look-Alikes stays in the proposed legislation, as below:

‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the CHC Fund to be transferred to the Secretary of Health and Human Services for capital projects of the community health center program under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act and for grants to federally qualified health centers as defined in section 1861(aa)(4)(B) of the Social Security Act, $10,000,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2026."

Without proper distinction, FQHC LALs often get inadvertently left out of funding opportunities. Thankfully, the appropriate language to include FQHC LALs is currently in the Building Back Better print, and I hope you will also keep this distinction in mind. As a board member responsible for the fiduciary duties of INSERT ORG NAME HERE, I am acutely aware that FQHC LALs do not receive the same level of funding as FQHCs while adhering to the exact same compliance manual and service provisions.

{Optional phrasing} As a community member and patient, I can personally attest to the important contributions that FQHC LALs make to the health and well-being of families and communities, including my own.  As a donor to the organization, I am personally invested in the financial health of the organization and in advocating for increased resources.

Please support this bill with the inclusionary language included so that the thousands of people nationwide who rely on FQHC LALs for primary healthcare can continue to stay well.

Thank you so much for considering,

[Your name]

[Your LAL Name]


BBB Act Reducing CHC Investment from $10bil to $1bil


Open Letter to HRSA