Our Voices

Hear directly from patients, providers, supporting staff, administrators, and advocates of FQHC Look-Alikes throughout the United States.

Mike Sweeney Mike Sweeney

Trillium Health

Trillium Health was founded in 1989 as an HIV/AIDS clinic during the height of the AIDS crisis. Over time, the agency expanded to provide primary care to everyone who walked through its doors. Trillium Health offers primary care and specialty care at its downtown location at 259 Monroe Avenue in Rochester, NY. Its newest location, 170 Science Parkway, is home to Pathway Pediatrics and the Center for Gynecological Care & Wellness. Trillium Health offers many additional services, including an on-site pharmacy, insurance assistance, supportive services (food, housing, transportation), health outreach and education, HIV and STI prevention and testing, a food pantry, and harm reduction services (opioid overdose prevention and a syringe exchange).

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Mike Sweeney Mike Sweeney

Castle Family Health Centers

Through its three clinic sites, Castle Family Health Centers (CFHC) provides full-scope primary care, which includes general family medicine, women’s health, pediatric services, and geriatric care. Additionally, CFHC offers integrated onsite services, such as acute and chronic disease management, care management, immunizations and boosters, diagnostic procedures, referral to specialists, wellness and health maintenance services, STD testing and treatment, well-child checkups, and well-woman exams. Screenings for cancer, communicable diseases, hypertension, cholesterol, asthma, pediatric development, and diabetes are part of the disease prevention and population management services available to CFHC patients.

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Look Alike Advocacy Look Alike Advocacy

Aspire Indiana Health

Aspire Indiana Health started as a Community Mental Health Center about 50 years ago. Along the way, we developed supported housing and employment services to improve the quality of life of our consumers. In 2005 Aspire began to look into how to provide primary care/behavioral health integrated care as we saw the individuals we served with severe mental illness and addictions dying up to 25 years earlier than their counterparts in the general population.

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Look Alike Advocacy Look Alike Advocacy

El Pueblo Health Services

We need to help keep the Look Alikes alive as well as the health centers with 330 grants. The Look Alikes are even more vulnerable, yet held to the same quality standards as grantees. In our COVID-19 environment, many health centers and Look Alikes will end up closing - I’m certain many already have.

I propose that all existing Look Alikes should not only be included in emergency funding, but finally be given 330 grantee status while they still have their doors open.

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Look Alike Advocacy Look Alike Advocacy

Wahiawa Health

It is hard to believe that an island like Oahu would have a rural area so ignored and with health needs that surpass other areas in the State of Hawaii. There are 15 FQHC locations in Hawaii and we are the only LAL. Our LAL status is begging to be acknowledged as a valuable part of the FQHC network.

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Look Alike Advocacy Look Alike Advocacy

Axis Medical Center

Axis sits at the epicenter of COVID-19 cases in Minnesota- Axis patients have been admitted to the ICU and sadly have died -yet received zero in supplemental funding from HRSA, and zero of the $50 million appropriation from the Minnesota Legislature. We ask: does our staff not deserve PPE protection? If our patients are cut, do they not bleed?

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