Legislative Fly-In – Washington, DC

On February 7th and 8th, the FQHC Look-Alike Advocacy Coalition traveled to Washington, DC for its first Legislative Fly-In. Twelve Look-Alikes from across the U.S. gathered to educate lawmakers and staff about FQHC Look-Alikes and to ask for help in the following ways:

  1. In the next appropriations bill, fully fund a New Access Point (NAP) application with accompanying language that directs HRSA to provide preference to existing Look-Alikes.

  2. Amend the definition of supplemental funding so Look-Alikes may compete for grants and expand their existing services.

  3. Ensure that Look-Alikes, in addition to FQHCs, are included in any subsequent federal funding opportunities directed towards community health centers.

The FQHC Look-Alike Advocacy Coalition will continue to advocate on behalf of Look-Alikes through its allies in Congress.


Look-Alike Advocacy in San Diego


Look-Alike Advocacy in Chicago