The Wright Thing to Do

One of our fellow Look-Alikes - The Wright Center in Scranton, PA - has made the papers, and for good reason! Read the full article here.

The Wright Center for Community Health (WCCH) has installed a six-bay, negative-pressure tent by the front door of its Mid Valley clinic, the busiest it oversees. Patients must pass through the tent where they are screened for COVID-19, before being allowed into the health center. Their CMO estimates the center has spent $150-200k on preparedness measures including the tent, extra PPE, and higher frequency of facility disinfection. Their CMO does an excellent job articulating its necessity for CHCs, to avoid overburdening hospital systems and their workers.

The right location for testing is in the community, not in the hospitals
— Dr. Jignesh Sheth, CMO of Wright Center Community Health

HRSA Asking LALs for COVID-19 Survey Data


LALs Denied CARES Act Funds