LAL Advocacy Zoom Call #1

This past week, NACHC committed to two LAL-related activities: 1) forming a LAL learning collaborative; 2) distributing a survey in October to gauge interest in the learning collaborative. Several LALs were copied on communications with NACHC and provided valuable feedback to their concerns. The NACHC rep also stated he works with HRSA's Expansion Division Team - the department responsible for development of NAP funding opportunities.

This is our chance to provide feedback to NACHC and HRSA. What would you like to see covered in LAL Learning Collaborative Trainings? What feedback would you like brought to the attention of NAP developers?

Mark your calendars! This Friday 10/16/2020 at 3:00 PM EST we will be hosting our first LAL Advocacy Zoom Call. If you’d like to attend, please RSVP via e-mail! If you can't attend, please consider sending your thoughts to us, so we may present them to the group and forward them to NACHC.


Happy New Year


LAL-ECT Webinar & LAL Annual Certification Applications