LAL Training: Apply by Feb 8th!

From NACHC, 1/25/2021:

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) would like to thank all Look-Alike (LAL) health centers who responded to the November-December 2020 survey on training and technical assistance needs.  Based on those survey results, NACHC has a better understanding of the importance of LALs to the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) network and the unique challenges you face as unfunded FQHCs.

With this in mind, NACHC invites your LAL health center to apply for the inaugural FQHC Look-Alike Health Center Learning Collaborative (LC), set to launch in March 2021. NACHC sees a range of special needs identified by the LAL network, and we encourage you to participate in this offering that directly targets LAL needs.


This free learning opportunity will occur over a 4-month period and will consist of workshops, coaching opportunities, and team-based collaboration. The application link outlines the learning objectives, requirements, and timeline for all activities (which are copied below for your reference). The design of this Learning Collaborative is based on the feedback of over 40 LALs who responded to the 2020 NACHC Survey. [Note: Please submit only one application per health center. Deadline is February 8, 2020.]

Reach out to Ted Henson at NACHC if you have questions:


Learning Objectives

  • Create a targeted FQHCLAL peer group to share experiences and accelerate learnings and develop an on-going peer network for leaders and managers from finance and operations;

  • Enhance knowledge of FQHC effective practices targeting operational and finance including revenue enhancements and emerging issues in FQHCLAL such as grants management;

  • Support implementation projects based on educational content to apply concepts and enhance learning; and

  • Provide coaching to support for applied project development and implementation, application of concepts, and measuring success.


  • Participating LALs should commit 2-4 staff (2 as a minimum) as consistent project team members;

  • Staff should include at least one senior leader and one “front-line” manager or supervisor that will support implementation of the applied project (e.g. billing manager, eligibility/member services supervisor, front-desk lead).

  • Attend and contribute to monthly workshops

  • Commit to proposing and executing one performance improvement project that will occur between February - May, 2021; and

  • Participate in "action period" activities (i.e. coaching, office hours, etc.) as possible; and

  • Complete an evaluation 120-days upon conclusion of the learning collaborative.

Timeline of activities: 

  • January 25, 2021: Application Open

  • February 8, 2021: Application Closes

  • February 12, 2021: Invitations Emailed to Accepted Applicants (Calendar Invites, HW #1, etc).

  • March 4, 2021: Zoom Workshop #1

  • Weeks of March 15 and 22: Action Period #1 (coaching/office hours)

  • April 7, 2021: Zoom Workshop #2

  • Weeks of April 19 and 26: Action Period #2 (coaching/office hours)

  • May 5, 2021: Zoom Workshop #3

  • Weeks of May 17 and 24: Action Period #3 (coaching/office hours)

  • June 2, 2021: Zoom Workshop #4


$7.6 Billion in Upcoming Relief to Include Look-Alikes


New Admin, New Opportunities